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Rikaisama Version History
- Version 22.9.3 - 2016 March 2
- Fixed issue that caused incompatibility with Firefox 46.
- Version 22.9.2 - 2016 February 26
- Fixed issue that caused Firefox to invalidate and disable Rikaisama.
- Version 22.9.1 - 2016 February 23
- Updated install.rdf to support up to Firefox 48.
- Version 22.9 - 2015 December 12
- Added separate Save Format for the Anki Real-Time Import feature.
- EPWING feature should now work on OSX El Capitan. (Thanks Landon E.)
- Version 22.8 - 2015 September 18
- Apply EPWING regex when saving or using Real-Time Import. In about:config you may set "extensions.rikaisama.epwing_apply_remove_regex_when_saving" to false to prevent this from happening.
- Version 22.7 - 2015 August 13
- The Real-Time Import feature is now compatible with Firefox 40+.
- Version 22.6 - 2015 August 5
- Rikaisama is now signed, so it should now work in Firefox 41+.
- Version 22.5 - 2015 June 5
- "Fixed" issue that some users were having that caused the popup to stop appearing after several minutes of EPWING mode use. Root cause is still under investigation.
- Version 22.4 - 2015 May 31
- Fixed bug with the "Audio file" save token when saving a word via the X key.
- The "Translation" save token was renamed to "Definition".
- The "Source URL" save token was renamed to "URL".
- Version 22.3 - 2015 May 13
- Updated the frequency and pitch accent databases.
- Version 22.2 - 2015 May 2
- Updated eplkup to v1.5. Nothing new, just got rid of the Windows API dependencies.
- Using a more compatibile version of the OSX eplkup executable.
- Linux eplkup executable is now 32-bit to increase compatibility.
- Added eplkup build instructions for Windows and Linux.
- Version 22.1 - 2015 April 19
- In super-sticky mode, you may now alt-click to show the popup.
- Version 22.0 - 2015 April 18
- Merged code with rikaichan 2.09 baseline:
- Now runs with E10S enabled.
- Settings now use the extensions prefix. Users may need to re-enter the settings.
- Added the about:config extensions.rikaisama.epwingusewine option for Linux users. Enable this if the native EPWING lookup executable doesn't work.
- Version 21.1 - 2015 March 8
- Fixed the key code mappings for the "= +" and "- _" keys. Added "NUMPAD +" and "NUMPAD -" key mappings.
- Version 21.0 - 2015 March 7
- Real-Time Import and EPWING features now work on Linux and Mac platforms. Contributed by Boaz Yaniv.
- Version 20.6 - 2015 February 26
- Audio feature now works with Firefox 36.
- Version 20.5 - 2015 February 13
- Now using Firefox's built-in APIs for playing audio.
- Version 20.4 - 2015 January 25
- Added more logic when finding word frequency.
- When highlighting the kana form of a word (ex. わかる), the frequency is now provided for all possibilities (分かる, 判る, etc.).
- Word frequency can now be saved.
- Pitch accent can now be saved.
- Version 20.3 - 2014 May 03
- Fixed issue that caused Firefox 29 to crash when either pitch accent or frequency information was shown.
- Version 20.2 - 2014 January 17
- Added 『新明解国語辞典 第五版』 support to the EPWING entry parsing option.
- Added epwingforceparse to about:config to force entry parsing of unsupported dictionaries.
- Updated eplkup to 1.4 which adds 『新明解国語辞典 第五版』 utf-8 gaiji replacements.
- Version 20.1 - 2014 January 03
- Added the EPWING "Max entries" option.
- Minor interface tweaks in the options dialog.
- Version 20.0 - 2014 January 02
- Show title of EPWING dictionary in popup and in options dialog.
- Added the EPWING "Show all entries from the same dictionary at the same time" option.
- Added the EPWING "Append EDICT gloss" option.
- Added the EPWING "If longest match could not be found, search for the next longest" option.
- Fixed various issues with the EPWING entry parser.
- EPWING entry parser now supports Daijirin.
- EPWING entry parser is now enabled by default and will only parse supported dictionaries.
- Prevent duplicate EPWING entries.
- Minor interface tweaks to the EPWING tab in the options dialog.
- Version 19.7 - 2013 December 31
- Allow any number of EPWING dictionaries to be used.
- Fixed the 'None' EPWING fallback option.
- Added onStatusChange() handler when downloading audio to prevent exception.
- Removed moz-border-radius from the popup style as it is no longer supported.
- Options dialog can now be resized.
- Version 19.6 - 2013 November 30
- Merged code with rikaichan 2.08 beta 2 baseline.
- HTML is now stripped from the known/To-Do word lists.
- Version 19.5 - 2013 November 4
- Fixed bug when selecting a known/to-do list file that shows a warning message that the selected file already exists, and do you really want to overwrite it.
- Version 19.4 - 2013 November 3
- Replaced the "Words that are Already in your Anki Vocaulary Deck" feature with the "Known Words" and "To-Do Words" features.
- Version 19.3 - 2013 October 27
- Updated the frequency and pitch accent databases.
- Version 19.2 - 2013 July 27
- The "no audio" files are no longer saved to the audio directory.
- Added the "Save audio when one of the Anki Real-Time Import keys is pressed" checkbox.
- Added the "Merge DIV elements" checkbox.
- Version 19.1 - 2013 July 14
- Added the rikaichan.mergedivs option (see about:config).
- Version 19.0 - 2013 June 16
- Added the "Show frequency information" option.
- Added the "Enable the 'no audio' clip'" option.
- Fixed bug that forced the pitch accent to be enabled in EPWING mode when the "Parse entry to add color, show pitch and enhance frequency" option was checked.
- Version 18.1 - 2013 June 2
- Added the Notes save token.
- Added the Title save token.
- Modified the play audio on hover feature so that if a word is un-highlighted before 500 ms have elapsed, then the audio will not play.
- Version 18.0 - 2013 June 1
- Added option to play audio on hover.
- If audio exists in the audio directory, play it instead of downloading.
- Added the save audio on play option.
- Added opacity option.
- Added rounded corners option. The existed rounded corners implementation was broken in a recent version of Firefox.
- Updated pitch accent database.
- Added Unicode support to bassplayer.
- Version 17.5 - 2013 February 17
- Added 4,716 more pitch accents. This brings the total to 121,817.
- Pitch accents that are probably accurate but have a small chance of being wrong now have a trailing question mark. This applies to 11,290 pitch accents.
- Version 17.4 - 2013 January 12
- Fixed the improperly formatted save when “Attempt to color expression/reading and show pitch accent” was checked.
- Fixed the audio not playing with Firefox 18.
- Version 17.3 - 2012 December 16
- Added pitch accents for 9,792 more words. This brings the total to 117,101.
- Added the “Attempt to color expression/reading and show pitch accent” option to the EPWING options tab.
- Version 17.2 - 2012 December 7
- Added pitch accents for 10,751 more words. This brings the total to 107,309.
- For many words, added which part-of-speech a pitch accent applies to.
- Added the “Hide pitch accent part-of-speech unless ',' or '|' is present” option.
- Changes to format of pitch accents.
- Version 17.1 - 2012 December 2
- Added pitch accent information for katakana words.
- Version 17.0 - 2012 December 1
- Added pitch accent information to the right of the reading.
- Version 16.0 - 2012 November 17
- Merged code with rikaichan 2.07 baseline.
- Sanseido mode: If kanji form is not found, fallback to kana form. If kana form is not found, fallback to default non-Sanseido definition.
- Sanseido mode: Fixed display of definition numbers and sub-definition numbers. Also sub-definition numbers are now circled.
- Version 15.1 - 2012 July 21
- Upgraded eplkup to version 1.2.1 which has better gaiji support for EPWING dictionaries - especially for 『大辞泉』 and 『明鏡国語辞典』.
- Version 15.0 - 2012 January 21
- Merged code with rikaichan 2.04 baseline.
- Fixed odd token behavior when kana form of word is highlighted (Thanks Seizar!).
- Added additional keys for save and Real-Time Import that force the $d token to be equal to the $r token. Useful for words where the kana form is preferred over the kanji form.
- Increased lookahead length from 13 to 20 for matching long phrases (such as 大変お世話になりありがとうございました)
- Added the Anki tab. Moved the Real-Time Import options here.
- Added feature that can analyze your Anki vocabulary deck and inform you (via asterisk) if the highlighted word is already in your deck.
- Put quotes around arguments in (Thanks Sequa!).
- Renamed 'Anki Tags' to 'Tags'.
- Put key options in two columns.
- Version 14.1 - 2011 November 12
- Added Firefox 8/9/10 compatibility.
- Version 14.0 - 2011 September 04
- Added fallback options for EPWING mode. I really should have added this feature ages ago as it makes EPWING mode so much nicer to use. In previous versions, if the highlighted word wasn't found in the currently active dictionary, you would get a rather unpleasant “Entry not found.” message. Now, you have 3 options (in the options dialog) on how this situation should be handled:
- Use the next available EPWING dictionary. So if you have 3 dictionaries and the active dictionary is dictionary 2, if the entry was not found, search dictionary 3, if the entry was still not found, search dictionary 1. If none of the EPWING dictionaries contain the word, use the default rikaichan JMDICT dictionary.
- Ignore any other EPWING and just use the default rikaichan JMDICT dictionary.
- Display the “Entry not found.” message (in case you actually liked that behavior).
- The number of the currently active EPWING dictionary is now shown in the top-right corner of the popup. (Thanks nest0r!). This is especially handy if the search has to fall back to another EPWING dictionary.
- Added a slot for a 4th EPWING dictionary (Thanks dtcamero!)
- Fixed the way search works for EPWING and Sanseido modes. Searches will now use the kana for a word where it makes sense (specifically, if the kana lookup matches the highlighted word, search with the kana and not the kanji). This fixes things like searching for 乃 when の is highlighted, or searching for 米 when メートル is highlighted. (This is another one that I should have added ages ago).
- You can know remap almost every key. Just be careful not to map 2 things to the same key (it won't hurt anything, but one of the things won't function unless you remap it).
- If the popup is blank as result of the user-specified EPWING regex, ignore it and display the full results.
- Added tool tips to the Rikaisan-specific items in the options dialog. This includes tool tips for the save format tokens.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the EPWING lookup from being parsed correctly for single kanji that aren’t standalone words. You would see something like “{HITS: 1} rest of definition...” when this happened.
- In EPWING mode, reduced the size of the superscript text.
- Added UTF-8 replacements for some of the more common gaiji in the Meikyo J-J dictionary. Also added a couple for Kenkyusha 5th.
- Version 13.3 - 2011 September 02
- Added support for Firefox 6/7.
- Version 13.2 - 2011 July 08
- EPWING Mode: Added option to show the highlighted word's conjugation.
- EPWING Mode: Added option to remove lines that match the user specified regular expression. For example, here is a RegEx that will remove the romaji and the example sentences for kenkyusha 5th: "\n[・▲◧◨].+|ローマ.+"
- EPWING Mode: Added Linux/Mac support. You must have bash and wine installed. I have only tested with Linux Mint. Maybe somebody with a Mac can let us know if it works for them.
- Fixed Sticky Mode and Super Sticky Mode so that that you can once again click inside the popup without it disappearing.
- Version 13.1 - 2011 July 04
- Fixed bug that allowed you to highlight a word with say 4 entries, switch to entry 4, then immediately highlight another word (making sure that the popup wasn't closed) with say only 2 entries. At this point the text at the top of the popup would say 4/2 and the definition text would be blank. This bug was most apparent in Super Sticky Mode.
- Fixed bug that prevented other startup options from being automatically enabled when the lookup bar startup option was enabled.
- Fixed the ESC key not working in Super Sticky Mode.
- Version 13.0 - 2011 July 03
- Added EPWING Support.
- Rikaisama-in-rikaisama.
- Moved Sanseido Mode to the "O" key (the "P" key is now used by EPWING Mode).
- Version 12.4 - 2011 June 24
- Fixed the "Always enable at startup" option not working.
- Version 12.3 - 2011 June 24
- Added a Startup tab to the options dialog that includes automatic startup options for:
- Lookup bar
- Sanseido Mode
- Sticky Mode
- Super Sticky Mode
- When saving sentences, the sentences will no longer stop when furigana is encountered.
- The save feature now honors the "Show word type indicators [example: (v1,n)]" and "Show popular indicator [example: (P)]" options.
- Fixed the up/down dictionary buttons in the Dictionary tab of the options dialog.
- In Super Sticky mode, alt tags in an image will no longer cause a popup when hovered over unless the image is ctrl-clicked.
- Toggling Sanseido Mode or Super Sticky mode no longer shows an enable/disable popup. Instead, this message has been placed in the status bar.
- When toggling Sanseido Mode on, automatically look up the currently highlighted word.
- Version 12.2 - 2011 June 17
- Incorporated changes from the official Rikaichan v2.03.
Version 12.1 - 2011 June 14
- Renamed "click-to-popup" mode to Super Sticky mode.
- Some changes to Super Sticky mode
- Clicking outside of the popup will remove the popup.
- Ctrl-Right Mouse button is now the preferred method to select a word because it won't follow links. I fixed it so it will no longer bring up the usual right-click context menu. You can still use Ctrl+Left/Middle mouse buttons if you want, but just don't use them on links.
- Ctrl-Left Mouse will no longer hilite the surrounding table element.
- This extension now has a new name (Rikaichan: RevTK Community Edition).
Version 12.0 - 2011 June 12
- Ability to add words directly to your Anki deck.
- Added "Super sticky" mode.
- Added a tags option in the Clipboard & Save dialog. You may save the tags to file/clipboard using the "$g" token in the save format.
- Sentences now delimited by the "?" and "!" characters in addition to "。" and newline characters.
- The volume preference now uses a numeric up-down widget instead of a text box.
Version 11.0 - 2011 June 05
- The save file format is now specified using tokens.
- You can now save audio clips.
- The "Sentence w/ blank" field now puts the blank in the correct spot and will no longer sometimes show the first character of the blanked word.
- In the save file, when the "Dictionary form" of the word contains no kanji, the "Reading" of word will no longer be blank, instead it will match the "Dictionary form" field.
- The "Sentence" field is now delimited by a newline character in addition to the "。" character. That is, a sentence starts at the previous newline character or "。" character before the highlighted word and ends at the next newline character or "。" character after the highlighted word.
- In the save file's "Translation" field, each meaning is now separated by a semi-colon instead of a slash.
- Removed the "Field separator" drop-down from the "Clipboard & Save" preference tab.
- The link to the study page now works for all kanji (not just the RTK kanji). The link is now placed on the "Heisig" text and on the number next to it.
Version 10.2 - 2011 May 29
- Clicking the Heisig number in the kanji view (via lookup bar or sticky mode) now links to the corresponding RevTK study page.
Version 10.1 - 2011 May 29
- Incorporated changes from the official Rikaichan v2.02.
- Added audio support for Linux and Mac users.
Version 10.0 - 2011 April 12
Version 9.1 - 2011 April 02
- Fixed the audio feature so that VC++ runtime errors don't occur. (Thanks nest0r for investigating this).
- Fixed audio sometimes not playing for single kanji.
- Added a shorter "No Audio" clip that replaces the regular one.
Version 9.0 - 2011 April 01
- Now includes wrightak's mod for advanced save options.
- No longer requires the QuickTime plugin (bassplayer is now used instead).
- Firefox 4 compatible
Version 8.0 - 2011 January 28
- Fixed issue where audio would often not play automatically.
Version 7.0 - 2010 October 08
- Nothing new. Just updated to rikaichan 2.01 baseline.
Version 6.0 - 2010 August 06
- Updated to support the new rikaichan 2.0.
- The JDIC Audio hotkey is now 'F'. This is because rikaichan 2.0 now uses the 'D' key for the hide/show definitions feature.
Version 5.0 - 2010 April 16
- For many words, the wrong text was used to retrieve the audio.
- Should now work in normal, kanji-only, and name mode. The first entry is used for each.
- In the previous version, the first time you pressed the "D" key, the form data on that page would disappear.
- The audio didn't work with .txt files and the embedded audio request appended to the on-screen text. In this version, the audio still doesn't work, but now you won't see the on-screen text get changed.
Version 4.0 - 2010 April 12
- Should now work properly for pages of all encoding types (UTF-8, Shift-JIS, etc.).
Version 3.0 - 2010 April 11
- Uses QuickTime to play audio pronunciation seamlessly instead of bringing you to another window or opening up the open/save dialog.
Version 2.0 - 2010 April 11
- Now using non-rikaichan GUID.
Version 1.0 - 2010 April 04